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Guidelines for papers

Paper should be written in English (MS Word 97-2003 or newer version, font Times New Roman, font size 12, single space, justified) should not exceed 6 pages.

Plenary papers should be prepared at maximum 8 pages. Pages should not be paginated.


Please note: paid registration fees does not imply the publication of paper that is not passed the peer review.

Only accepted abstracts and papers with paid registration fees can be presented at the Symposium and published in the Proceedings. 

One paid registration fee includes a maximum of two papers.


  • Original scientific paper should contain: the title, list of the authors (in one line), the addresses (separate line for each address), abstract, keywords, introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion, conclusion, and a list of references.


  • Margins: left 3 cm; right, above and below by 2.5 cm.


  • Title: uppercase, font size 12, centered, up to 100 characters without spaces. Leave one blank row below.


  • Authors name (bottom of the first page) : italic, surname and the first letter of all authors; font size 12. Leave one blank row below. Affiliation (below the authors' name): name and address of the institution; corresponding author e-mail address; font size 10. Abstract: should contain the title, the aim and methods of work, the main results of research and a brief conclusion (not exceed to 2.250 characters including spaces). 


  • Key words: up to five key words should be given below the abstract, arranged alphabetically and separated by commas; italic, font size 12.


  • Subtitles: small letters, bold, size 12, left alignment (align text left). Leave one blank row between the subtitle and the next paragraph. The beginning of the paragraph should be indented.


  • Graphics (tables, schedules, charts, pictures) : should take place in the text by numbering and the title (e.g. Table 1. Production of enterotoxin of Staphylococcus isolates) . 


Tables stretch from left to right margin (Autofit to Window). 


Pictures should have a maximum of 600 x 400 pixels, and up to 200 Kb each.


  • Number and title of the table should be given above the table. Number and title of pictures and charts should be given below. References: they should be listed in alphabetical order of authors' surnames. Authors should check if the references cited in the text are showed in the list of references and presented appropriately.


In the text, the authors are cited by writing the name of the first author and followed by "et al." and year of publishing (e.g. Smith et al., 1975). If reference has two authors both names should be cited (e.g. Smith and Thomson , 1986).


Multiple references of the same author should be as follows: Wright et al., 1993 and 1994; Wright et al., 1993a and 1993b. More references by the same author should be listed as follows (e.g. Smith et al., 1995; Fabre et al., 1996; Schmidt et al., 1998; Fabre et al., 1999).


  • Names of organizations used as authors (e.g. Agricultural and Food Research Council), should be written in full in the list of references and on first mention in the text. Subsequent mentions may be abbreviated (e.g. AFRC) .


  • 'Personal  communication ' or 'unpublished  results' should follow the name of the author in the text where appropriate. The author's initials but not title should be included, and such citations are not needed in the reference list.


Literature cited should be listed in alphabetical order of authors as follows :


  • journal articles or abstract:


Author(s) surname and initials Year. Title. Full title of the journal vol. pages.


Example : Lewis R., Emmans G., Dingwall S. and Simm G. 2002. A description of the growth of sheep and its genetic analysis. Animal Science 74, 51-62.


  • Book:


Author(s) or editor(s) surname and initials Year. Title. number of volumes if more than 1 edition if applicable . Name of publisher. place of publication.


  • Book chapter:


Author(s)  surname and initials Year  Title  In Title of the book (eds followed by the editor(s))  volume number when applicable pages  Name of publisher. place of publication


Example: Noziere  P. and Hoch T. 2006. Modelling fluxes of volatile fatty acids from rumen to portal blood. In Nutrient digestion and utilization in farm animals (eds E. Kebreab, J. Dijkstra, A. Bannink, W. Gerrits and J. France), pp. 40-47. CABI  Publishing, Wallingford, UK.


  • Symposium  proceedings:


Author(s) surname and initials Year. Title Nature of the event place of the event number of pages


Example: Martuzzi F., Summer A., Malacarne M. and Mariani P. 2001. Main protein fractions and fatty acids composition of mare milk: some nutritional remarks with reference to woman and cow milk. Conference at the 52nd Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production, Budapest, Hungary, 10 pp.


  • Thesis:


Author surname and initials Year  Title, Type of thesis  university with English name.


Example : Vlaeminck B. 2006. Milk odd- and branched-chain  fatty acids: indicators of rumen digestion  for optimization  of dairy cattle feeding. PhD, Ghent Univ.


  • Website addresses:


Website addresses should be presented  as for standard  references  but  in addition  they should  include the date when the document was retrieved . Example : Bryant P. 1999. Biodiversity and Conservation. Retrieved October 4, 1999, from

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