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Deadline for registration and paper title            June, 1st 2020

Abstract submission                                               June, 15th 2020

Deadline for complete paper submission          September, 1st 2020

Abstracts should be sent to our official e-mail address

Abstracts and complete papers have to be written and presented in English.


All papers will be reviewed by relevant reviewers. Accepted papers will be published in the Proceedings of the International Symposium on Animal Science 2020, in English language.


Papers that are not written in accordance with the instructions will not be considered.


Abstract will be written in English (MS Word 97-2003 or newer version, font Times New Roman, font size 12, single space, justified)

Abstract should contain the title, the aim and methods of work, the main results of research and a brief conclusion (up to 300 words).

Up to five key words should be given below the abstract, arranged alphabetically and separated by commas.

Key words: italic, font size 12.

Margins: left 3 cm; right, above and below by 2.5 cm.

Title: uppercase, font size 12, centered, up to 100 characters  without spaces.

Authors name (below the title): surname and the first letter of all authors; font size 12.

Affiliation: surname, full name, and the title of all authors; name and address of the institution; corresponding author e-mail address; font size 10.

Abstract should not contain tables, graphs, figures and pictures.

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